A single module is used to display single digit or character. 8thLED is used when two or more 7-segment modules are used, for example to display (0.1). As shown in the above image of a 7-segment display, it consists of 8 LEDs, each LED used to illuminate one segment of unit and the 8thLED used to illuminate DOT in 7 segment display. And because of brighter illumination, the output can be viewed from larger distance than LCD.
It is generally used to display numbers and has brighter illumination and simpler construction than dot matrix display. Before going into detail, we will see how to control the 7-segment module to display any number of character.ħ segment displays are among the simplest display units to display the numbers and characters. Today in this tutorial we will interface a 7-segment Display with ARM7-LPC2148. We already Interfaced 16x2 LCD with ARM7-LPC2148 in our previous tutorial. There are many types of displays used in electronics like 7-segment display, LCD display, TFT touchscreen display, LED display etc.
Display is a very important part of any Embedded System Application as it helps users to know the status of the system and also shows the output or any warning message generated by the system.